Rad Remix: Deus Ex: Sonic Augmentation

Normally, we save Rad Remixes for a single song of profound remix awesomeness, but this is a special exception. Today we’re taking a look at Deus Ex: Sonic Augmentation, an official remix soundtrack of the original Deus Ex game that features a collaborative effort between the game’s original composer Alexander Brandon and the video game music community OverClocked Remix.

“Searching for Ambrosia (NYC Streets)” – zircon & Jillian Aversa

The album was released in small portions, two tracks a week, on the official Deus Ex Facebook page. The soundtrack was just completed on April 11 with a total of eight tracks by artists such as Jimmy Hinson, halc, zircon and Jillian Aversa. The full soundtrack can be downloaded for free right here.

“The God Machine (Medley)” – Vig

Coming in at only 8 tracks, some might worry the album will disappoint – it does not. For one, it’s free, and also, the music has an extremely high-quality sound to it, and it is quite apparent that the utmost care and attention went into producing this album properly.


About Tyler Cameron

Tyler is a longtime gamer and videogame music fanatic who grew up in the suburbs of Detroit. Now living the dream in the land of dairy (Milwaukee) he has taken to showing the world just why videogame music is so darn great. A diehard Red Wings fan, cat lover and cereal connoisseur, his passion and enthusiasm knows no bounds.